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  • 时间观念的涵义是要科学地安排时间,计划用时间,讲究效率,还需要有自控能力。因此,若是培养良好的时间观念,就等于给人以知识、力量、聪明和美好的开端。因为善于掌握自己时间的人将会获得高效率工作,也是最能出成绩的人。比如,伟人毛主席,厕所里都放着书,曾经有段佳话,说毛主席3天不看书,知识就要落后刘少奇。 鲁迅的成功,有一个重要的秘诀,就是珍惜时间。鲁迅十二岁在绍兴城读私塾的时候,父亲正患着重病,两个弟弟年纪尚幼,鲁迅不仅经常上当铺,跑药店,还得帮助母亲做家务;为免影响学业,他必须作好精确的时间安排。 此后,鲁迅几乎每天都在挤时间。他说过:时间,就像海绵里的水,只要你挤,总是有的。鲁迅读书的兴趣十分广泛,又喜欢写作,他对于民间艺术,特别是传说、绘画,也深切爱好;正因为他广泛涉猎,多方面学习,所以时间对他来说,实在非常重要。他一生多病,工作条件和生活环境都不好,但他每天都要工作到深夜才肯罢休。 然后,玩是人类的天性,每个人都有会想偷懒的时候。有的人玩的很多,但是他们的工作和学习也干的很好,这种人他的人生是快乐而且充实的。而有的一些人他们沉迷于享乐,但是享乐之后却丝毫没有想到过我一定要在有限的时间内把自己的工作干好,自甘堕落,无所作为,这样的人生是不完美的,是一种消极的人生。 但是同样是玩,有的人能够处理好玩与学习的关系,而有的人却玩物丧志,这其中的区别在于,他们对待时间的态度的不同,不珍惜时间的人总是感觉到时间的短缺,不会充分的利用短暂的时间获得更大的效益,其实这也从一个侧面反映了一个人的上进心与事业心,一个人是否有强烈的责任感与使命感,一个上进心强的人是不会因为玩而使自己沉沦,他们会把自己的潜力发挥到极限,用最短的时间创造最大的价值。一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。–庄子。时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。–鲁迅总之,时间观念是非常重要的。
  • The meaning of the concept of time is to scientifically arrange time, plans to use the time, pay attention to efficiency, also need to have self-control. If it is a good time concept, therefore, is to give a person with knowledge, strength, wisdom and good start. Because men who master their time will be work with high efficiency, and also the person who could make achievements.For example, the great man chairman MAO, the toilet is putting the book, once a much-told story, said chairman MAO three days without reading, knowledge will be behind liu shaoqi.The secret of lu xuns success, there is an important, is to cherish the time. Lu xun was 12 years old in shaoxing city reading xue, father is suffering from a serious illness, two younger brother, young lu xun not only often pawn shop, pharmacy, still have to help mother do the housework; In order to avoid impact studies, he must make accurate time arrangement.Thereafter, lu xun in time almost every day. He said: time, just like the water in sponge, as long as you squeeze, always some. Lu xun study interest is very extensive, like writing, he for folk art, especially the legend, painting, and hobbies; Because he widely, manifold learning, so the time for him, it is very important. Sick of his life, working conditions and living environment is bad, but he only then is willing to give up to work late every day.And then, play is human nature, everyone has a want to slack off. Some people play a lot, but also did their w……余下全文