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【Part 2 素材】有趣谈话–宁采臣和聂小倩

when it happened
who did you talk to
what did you talk about
and explain why you lthinkthe conversation is interesting
The story happened when I was on a backpack trip to Sichuan. I took a free ride to a very small town, and I booked a motel room to stay for a night.
Because I was so tired and exhausted. I took a shower and went to bed early. During the night, I felt like there was someone inside the room, but I thought it was my illusion. It was about the midnight, I was awake, but I couldn’t move myself. During that time, I heard someone talking to me.
“Don’t be afraid,” She said, “I am a ghost, but I mean no harm. I died a hundred year ago, but I am cursed that I couldn’t begin my new life. So I have to stay in the room for another decades.”
“Why you talk to me” “Because I am boring and lonely.” She said.
And then she told me that she was a mistress in the village a hundred year ago. No one knew because it was a very conservative village. And one day her brother found out this and did “honor killing”(荣誉谋杀,因为妇女为家庭蒙羞而被自己的亲人杀害–josh注) on her. So she stayed in this room for a hundred year, because the motel was built on where she buried.
I fell asleep again, because her story was too long. And next morning, I couldn’t figure out if it was a dream or a real event.